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Friday, September 30, 2011


Snow Bird
A Mikco Production
Counterpart Creative Studios
Queen City Album - Cincinnati, Ohio

More Today Than Yesterday
Country Roads
Big Band Medley
Didn't We
Tennessee Waltz
Snow Bird
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
I Believe
Battle Hymn Medley

Dora Hall Sings Pop Country

King Of The Road
Dora Hall Sings Pop Country
Cozy Records, Chicago, IL

The songs were arranged & conducted by H. B. Barnum, Stu Phillips and Jimmy Haskell.

Dora Hall has been deemed the "Queen" of vanity entertainment. Hall was married to Leo Hulseman, the founder of the immensely successful Solo Cup Company. Apparently Leo was happy to finance dozens of record releases for Dora, all of which were given away free of charge with packages of plastic cups and plates during the 1960's. This information comes from a website dedicated to Hall:

From the back cover: Her versatility is recognized by her outstanding renditions of both Rock and Roll and Pop-Country music. Dora Hall is an exponent of today's young sound. Her warm understanding of today's youth is reflected in her songs.

Dora Hall Great Hits!

Dora Hall Great Hits!
Cozy Records, Chicago IL

These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
Flowers On The Wall
Over And Over
I Got You, Babe
Hang On Sloopy
He's Just My Style
5 O'Clock World
I Like It Like That

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Brass Buffs Scratch 1 - Out Of Sight

Help From My Friends

Stepping Stone

Out Of Sight
The Brass Buffs Scratch 1

From the back cover: ...a band of eight young men whose music appeals to kids who like a solid rock beat and adults who are attracted to the melodic line. In the eight months since this group has formed they have performed at such spots as Phipps Auditorium, The Haytt House, The Hilton Hotel, Crestmore Country Club, numerous high school dances, and a reception for the Vice President of the United States. In the 1967 Denver Teen Fair they managed to place among the 7 semifinalists of the nearly 180 bands that originally entered, and walked away with a special award.

Tijuana Taxi
Lonely Bull
Taste Of Honey
Mellow Yellow
King Of The Road
Work Song
Stepping Stone
Help From My Friends
Cinco de Mayo
Swinger From Seville
Ferry Cross The Mersey
Never On Sunday

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Henry Lewis - Inside Of Your Love

Sing Me Sweet Songs Of Love
Henry Lewis
Inside Of Your Love
Burgundy Stereo LP #001

From the back cover: There are many singers that come to Music City every year. Very few have the talent and guts to stick it out. Henry Lewis happens to have both of these unique qualities.

Dave Baney Hits The Mark

Dave Baney Hits The Mark

The Mark may have a room on The Delta Queen(?). The jacket notes were written by Vic Tooker, Musical Director For The Delta Steamboat Company.

Online references to Baney are few and far between. Incredibly, I blogged another earlier local press, Up Up and Away featuring Dave playing a local club with his brothers.

I found a commercial CD online attributed to a Dave Baney, So In Love With Jazz Guitar. I also found a photo of the artist that looks sort of like the photo of Baney found on the back cover of this LP.

Baney was a seasoned standup comic and guitarist. This LP is basically his act, stand-up and all. I chose the one track that features his excellent guitar playing.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Dale Davis Show

Full Album
The Dale Davis Show
Dale Davis Productions - Oklahoma City, OK

Friday, September 23, 2011

Doing My Thing - Norm Paavola

Today Tomorrow Forever
Doing My Thing
Norm Paavola
Sound Associates - Grand Rapids, Michigan
SLP 162

This is an Elvis tribute album. The covers are OK. Nothing shocking to sample from. However, the last track on the B side was written by Eric Clark (lead guitar, piano and back-up) and sung in Paavola's "real" voice. There is a charming simplicity to this track that caught my attention.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

More Bob Allen At The Christopher Inn - Volume Two

Wichita Lineman
More Bob Allen At The Christopher Inn
Volume Two

The Christopher Inn was a hotel located downtown in Columbus, Ohio. I believe the Inn was torn down in the late 80s. The jacket notes suggest that plans were in the works for an expansion to add 550 new guest rooms, housed in a crescent shape tower rising thirty stories above the entire complex. I assume, this is the odd looking building that you see in the illustration. That never happened.

I used to visit the lounge on occasion in the late 70s and may have seen Bob Allen play. As I remember, the lounge was a classic dark room.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Telly - Telly Savalas

Rubber Bands And Bits Of String
TellyTelly Savalas
MCA Records CMA-436

Of course everyone knows who Telly Savalas is. OK... maybe folks MY AGE know Savalas. The youth of America may know Savalas from his roles in movies such as Battle Of The Bulge or The Dirty Dozen amongst a number of other well know 60s films. However, he may be best known for his title role in the 1970s crime drama, Kojak. This record would have been made during that period in his career.

It seems like the 70s were a fertile time for Hollywood names who wanted to make a record.

This is a great example of big name lounge. Telly is invited to play The Motel Lounge anytime!

Read more about Savalas on his wiki page.

And here is an image of an autographed copy I found recently. Treasure!

Welcome To The World Of Pearle Rae

Country Style (Medley)
Welcome To The World Of Pearle Rae
Music Arranged And Conducted By Max Di Julo
Raemax 1002

Without Love, the first track on side is credited, words and music by Max Di Julio. From the back cover: Widely acclaimed composer, Max Di Julio, has composed music for films, television, orchestras and choirs; as well as for pop and jazz groups.

Apparently Rae was "Colorado's star-spangled Fourth of July girl"... That's all the back cover has to offer.

There are no online mentions of Rae or Julo that I could find.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Everybody Is An Asshole - Couto And Mulligan

Everybody Is An Asshole To Somebody Sometime
Everybody Is An Asshole
Couto And Mulligan
Mullco - 1980

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Old Is New - Sister Mary Renee On The Cordovox

Okie From Muskogee
This Old Is New
Sister Mary Renee - St. Francis Home, Breckenridge Minnesota.
Sound 80 - 26025

Now Sister Mary Renee may not have gigged in The Motel Lounge, unless she went looking for sinners to convert. Her track list doesn't include any gospel numbers, just good time thumpers like the the sample I've posted above.

From the back cover: Accompanying Sister Renee on this recording are her uncle, Mr. Norby Fisher, drums and Mr. Leo Nelson, banjo, from Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. The vocal numbers are sung by a recent employee of St. Francis Home, Sr. Rosemary Duggan, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Don Lee At The Mar-Key Organ

Lonesome Road
Don Lee At The Mar-Key Organ
Kaybank Recording Corp. - Minneapolis

From the back cover: Now a popular entertainer at the famed Mar-Key Club at the Hastings Hotel in Minneapolis, he is also well remembered by other private club members and by thousands of patrons of the old Covered Wagon in Minneapolis.

Curious album. It appears that Lee sat down and recorded each side in a single take.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Themes Of The Smokies - Louis & Audrey Stamey

Cherokee Boogie
Themes Of The Smokies
Louis & Audrey Stamey
Mark Five CR-4609
Rite Record Production - Cincinnati, Ohio - 28522

From the back cover: This is the second LP for "The Cherokee Sweethearts", Louis and Audrey Stamey. You'll find in this collection of songs many of the ones you've heard them play during their many years as a featured attraction on the Indian Reservation in Cherokee, on TV, radio and in hundreds of personal appearances. This is "the music of the Hills," their music and yours.

The Stamey's worked out of Drexel, North Carolina.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Emma At The Royal

Bali Hai
Emma At The Royal
Lehua Records SL 7026

Emma Veary live at The Monarch Room Of The Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

Live Hawaiian Party - Sam Makia And His Hawaiian Islanders

Beyond The Reef
Live Hawaiian Party
Sam Makia And His Hawaiian Islanders
Tifton International TS 83

Recorded live at Bill Green's Golden Dragon - "Malia" Polynesian Room – Asbury Park, NJ.

No mention online of either Sam Makia or The Gold Dragon. From the photos the room is a box with drop ceilings, a few plastic trees and tropical print drapes over the windows. Fun!