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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

You Asked For It - The Great Imposters


You Asked For It

You Asked For It
The Great Imposters
Doyle De Bolt, Bob Field, Kenny Malone, Harry Lyons & Nick Henschied
Produced and Arranged by The Great Imposters
Accent Photography, Cover Photo Design by Duane Straight
Recorded "Live" at The West Omaha Holiday Inn by Cherrywood Studios, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Engineer: Johnny Durham
A Triple Crown Production


Although their specialty is imitating the great hit artists of the fifties and sixties, they always manage to inject their own unique fresh enthusiasm and zest to each oldie they sing, making it seem brand new again. It's a magic mood they create; and it's inimitable!!

The first time I saw "THE GREAT IMPOSTERS" perform was in Harlan, Iowa. They were the opening act on a show starring Ray Stevens (who was riding the top of the charts with his recording of "THE STREAK" at the time) and I was the Master of Ceremonies. It's a night I'm sure none of us will ever forget because just 30 minutes before our show was to begin we all stood backstage watching President Nixon announce his resignation to the country. The sound was piped over the public address system in the auditorium so that the entire audience could hear. It was, needless to say, a tough act to follow. I, for one, was dreading going out on stage and facing what was certain to be a dreary audience. Well, to make a long story short, inside 10 minutes, "THE GREAT IMPOSTERS" had managed to make us all forget the troubles of the country and totally captured the audience with their infectious, happy songs AND great musical ability (vocally and instrumentally). That's what I would call the ultimate test of a performer, and they passed it with flying colors.

Ray Stevens and I stood backstage watching them and Ray remarked how grateful he was to have such a great group break the ice for him on such a "downer" night. Quite a compliment, coming from one of the best pro's in the business, I'd say! And I've been a "GREAT IMPOSTERS" fan ever since.

Their following grows every day they make a personal appearance and whenever they're on stage you can always count on a large, happy and responsive audience.

When I heard they were going to record an album live at the West Omaha Holiday Inn, my only concern was wondering if the sound engineers would be able to capture their special magic on tape. Sometimes artists who come off so great in person lose something in the electronic translation to tapes and vinyl. Well, I've been listening to this album while typing these liner notes and I'm extremely happy for them and for all of their fans, because it's all there in the record...just the way it is in person. All the people who have been asking "THE GREAT IMPOSTERS" if they had an album out obviously inspired the title, "YOU ASKED FOR IT". I, for one, am glad they asked, and I know they won't be disappointed. – Jimmy O'Neill, Program Director KOIL - Omaha, Nebraska - Jimmy Broadcasts Daily from 3 - 7 p.m.

Little Darlin'
Come Go With Me
Surfin' U.S.A.
Chantilly Lace
Kansas City
The Great Pretender
Shake, Rattle & Roll
Get A Job
Pretty Little Angel Eyes
Roll Over Beethoven
Rock Around The Clock
Peppermint Twist

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