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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Sahara Presents The Zaras

Morning Dew
S.R.O. In Las Vegas
The Sahara Presents The Zaras
ATA Records
Abby Sound Studios, Hollywood, California

The Zaras are a obscure lounge act. I did find another album cover online, so the group produced at least two albums.

Copy on the back cover tells us that The Zaras were from Madrid (five brothers and sisters) and Julie Grant (apparently the lead singer) was from London.

S.R.O = Standing Room Only


  1. They were not from Madrid but from Tafalla, a small town in northern Spain.

  2. Wow! I rememnber going to see the Zaras, both in Germany and here in the States, especially Bridgeport, CT many years ago! In this picture, they are, left to right, Toto, Anita, Jesus,Julie front and center, Kitty and Marino. Boy, does this bring back a lot of memories. We had all their albums, and really enjoyed their performances.
    --Lori T

  3. I was close friends with all of the Zaras and visted their home in Tafalla a number of times...and have recenlty visited Marinos home in Las Vegas...sadly two of the family is no longer with us....

    1. Hi, friends,
      I am writing the history of the band for my blog (, and, although I have information, I would like to contact with Marina. I have already touched Toto. I do not know why their father Vicente had to go to Germany.
      My email:

  4. I remember the Zaras when they played the US Army Enlisted Men's club, Patton Barracks, in Heidelberg, Germany. A bright spot in the dull military life. Bob.

  5. I was the keyboard player for the group after several family members decided to get off of the road. Julie, Marino and Toto were the originals when I worked with them. Donny Conn from the Playmates indrotuced me to them. Great Musicians, Frankie Sorci

  6. I worked in the Quarterdeck Lounge at the Holiday Inn in Bridgeport, CT. Great music, great friends, and great times <3

  7. I loved listening to this group at the EM club in Wiesbaden Germany, The organ was fabulous and Julie Grant could belt out the hits. They were the house band of the month when I first hit Wiesbaden, I was told the organist was married to a GI,
